Monday, 31 January 2011

what makes us happy?

Edward Diener, a psychologist at the University of Illinois, asserts

 “17세에 행복도가 높은 청소년이 40세가 됐을 때 훨씬 높은 연봉을 받는다는 연구 결과는 행복감이 성취에 끼치는 영향이 더 크다는 것을 설명하는 것”

행복이라는 모호한 개념 대신 과학적 연구를 위해 ‘주관적인 안녕감’이라는 정의도 고안.
자신의 삶에 대해 내리는 인지적, 정서적 평가를 말하는 것. 

 “행복의 결정적 요인은 사회적 관계, 배움의 즐거움, 삶의 의미와 목적, 작은 일상에서 긍정적인 것을 인식하는 태도”

The public always wonders: Does money make you happy?” said University of Illinois professor emeritus of psychology Ed Diener, a senior scientist with the Gallup Organization. “This study shows that it all depends on how you define happiness, because if you look at life satisfaction, how you evaluate your life as a whole, you see a pretty strong correlation around the world between income and happiness,” he said. “On the other hand it’s pretty shocking how small the correlation is with positive feelings and enjoying yourself.” 

the analysis found that life evaluation, or life satisfaction, rises with personal and national income. But positive feelings, which also increase somewhat as income rises, are much more strongly associated with other factors, such as feeling respected, having autonomy and social support, and working at a fulfilling job.

This is the first “happiness” study of the world to differentiate between life satisfaction, the philosophical belief that your life is going well, and the day-to-day positive or negative feelings that one experiences, Diener said.

“Everybody has been looking at just life satisfaction and income,” he said. “And while it is true that getting richer will make you more satisfied with your life, it may not have the big impact we thought on enjoying life.”

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